
The work program entails following focus areas and outputs: 

  1. Analysis and adaptation of the DigComp 2.1 framework (digital literacy) towards digital health literacy and further developing it to the BLISS Digital Health@School compentence framework (M1 – M9). Partners will conduct focus group interviews with secondary school teachers in their countries. The focus groups will aim at identifying particular teacher perspectives and needs regarding the effective promotion of digital health literacy through the DigiCompEdu framework;
  2. Development and launch of the online platform ”Digital Health”(from September 2023) The platform will serve the purpose to provide an interactive online environment in which experts, digital mentors from partner organisations, teachers and students can interact in order to share and generate knowledge on topics of school health literacy and digital health literacy;
  3. Development of a training programme in form of an massive open online course (M5 – M24), aiming at teachers to strengthen their digital health literacy and their skills to teach digital health literacy to school students;
  4. Training Toolkit and Experiment